31 July 2013

Real Authority

This morning I read in Jeremiah:
"Are you a king because you excel in cedar?
Didn’t your father eat and drink and administer justice and righteousness?
Then it went well with him."
Catch that? Jeremiah was challenging the Kings position as defined by his possessions. Sounds like a dangerous place to be [for both prophet and king].

Relying on your material wealth to define your role in this world is sort of normal. The son set his identity-foundation on the inheritance of his father: money, recognition, power, and cedar trees. Unfortunately, his father managed his role better than his son.

Oh, that I would not be so foolish.

Is it true that the rich rule? Yes. The world appears to operate that way. If you have, you lead.

But what is TRUTH? God gives us our identity. He gives us our authority. And none of that has anything to do with possessions [or cedar trees]. God works in ways the world can not understand or value.

God gives us authority to be His representatives and steward His gifts and to call on His name. God-given authority. How we see ourselves matters.